
Complete the procedure below accurately. These are absolutely required and must be 100% accurate for your success.

GitHub Account

Get Kasm

-Update server status to request for a server for Mr Mort to give you server acesss -Copy link from student repository on Github

Git Clone and VSCode Launch

-To create and name a new repository, use the code “mkdir vscode” and “cd vscode”

  • Use “cd” to move change the current working directory after naming it

Git commands

-Run this code

git config --global user.email <your email> 
git config --global user.name <your github id> 

-The purpose of these commands is to ensure that your Git commits are associated with the correct user identity when you make changes to Git repositories

-Change your directory to vscode by doing (cd ~/vscode)

-Now clone the repository into your new one by doing “git clone (The link of the student repository)”

Downloading packages

-The installation process is now done, all you have to do now is download packages/extensions. Good luck!