What each Directory is

Compsci.yml: Defining the structured data, in this case for our website the names of each header. For example Time_Box_Page or Blogs

_Notebooks: These are jupyter notebooks, and are .ipynb files and allows for cell based programming, or interactble pages (Can use different types of code)

_Posts: These are .md or markdown files, which are usually used for plain text.

.github-> jekyll-gh-pages.yml: Used for hosting Jekyll-based websites on GitHub Pages.

index.md: Used for creating the homepage of the website

Problem I faced

One problem I faced was when I published my page to github, my page was not loading. The message

Image Alt Text

was showing up all the time, so what I did was go into the


and then I changed the url so that it was my github ID, and since I did this the page would recognize my id, and the page would then load.

Linux Commands to Remember

  • ls = list in directory
  • cd = go to directory
  • mkdir = make directory
  • echo = print whatever follows