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Experimentation with bash in jupyter notebook

%%script bash
## Personal Experimentation
echo "Hello World!"
echo "Using the echo command!"
Hello World!
Using the echo command!

The code above is telling the jupyter notebook to interpet all the code following “%%script bash” as a Bash script. This allows for mixng between languages. Echo prints to the standard output.

Experimentation with Basic html

<!DOCTYPE html>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
        h1 {
            color: #333;
        p {
            color: #666;
            font-size: 16px;
    <h1>Welcome to My Web Page</h1>

<!DOCTYPE html>

Welcome to My Web Page

Make Model Year Color Price
Ford Mustang 2022 Red $35,000
Toyota Camry 2022 Silver $25,000
Tesla Model S 2022 White $80,000
Cadillac Broughan 1969 Black $10,000
Ford F-350 1997 Green $15,000
Ford Excursion 2003 Green $25,000
Ford Ranger 2012 Red $8,000
Kuboto L3301 Tractor 2015 Orange $12,000
Ford Fusion Energi 2015 Guard $25,000
Acura XL 2006 Grey $10,000
Ford F150 Lightning 2024 Guard $70,000

After exploring the interactble html code, here is what I have learned this week.

Bash: You can go in and out of bash by doing the %%script bash command

HTML: By doing the magic %%html, it tells jupyter notebook that the following commands will be in HTML. HTML is best used for website design.

JavaScript: JavaScript is a versatile programming language primarily used for adding interactivity to web pages. It allows you to manipulate web page content, respond to user actions, and make web pages unique overall.

Main Commands in the HTML and JavaScript Code:

Table: This HTML element defines a table in the web page, providing a structure for tabular data.

thead and tbody: These HTML elements specify the header and body sections of the table, respectively. thead contains column headers, and tbody holds the data rows.

tr, th, and td: These HTML elements define table rows (tr), table header cells (t>), and table data cells (td).
