Starting off

Starting off with this class, I didn’t even know what Github was, or even what vscode was. I only knew a little bit of basic code, and relied on others or on Chatgpt for the first couple of weeks. I was very confused on the setup part of the class, where we downloaded and set up our kasms and vscodes, and I had thought this was a big waste of my time, but now looking back was extremly important. I also thought that review tickets and planning for weeks were a waste of time, and I often didn’t do them, but now looking back I wish I did to see the progression I have gone through. Our first issue I had to overcome, was the first challenge of understanding how a calculator was made (and making changes to it), and even just talking with our teamates. I remember how Mr Mort would say how quiet everyone was, and how we were eventually going to get louder as the class went on, and now I think we are the loudest classroom. As we slowly got to know each other better, me and Spencer became very comfortable with each other, however we always wanted to do things our way, and always blamed each other when something went wrong.

Calculator and Snake Game

Our calculator and snake game were the two projects that really got me introduced to how to understand the code, and how to really spend time looking for things in order to create many different things. I remember I didn’t like the feeling of not knowing where anything was, and not knowing how the game was made. Through Chatgpt, and the help of others, I figured out where stuff were, and the basic idea of how Javascript worked. Especially when we made our own changes, this made me better understand things a lot more.

Addition of 2 new teamates & Tri 1 Final game

As seen through when we got 2 more tablemates, with Trystan and Sean, we all worked nicely together, and I had progressed from not talking to talking with people a lot, however we all still wanted to do things our way. We all were working in one big file, and we didn’t really have a plan on what we wanted to do. We often didn’t stay on task, and when we were creating our game, we were really unorganized on what we had to do each day. We didn’t make any review tickets, or any plans of what we did. I learned that this form of teama work is extremly unorganized and can lead to your team falling behind on many things, but thanks to us just working together nicely we were able to create our final game. We were able to create an unfinished, yet amazing game. Even though it was all in one file, we were still able to show our progress throughout the class, from making a simple calculator to making a complex game.

Tri 2 (Progression into working with other people)

Trimester 2 proggesivley added more and more people we had to work with, from just 1 to over 21 people. From our lessons we made to teach others how our items worked, to making pull requests in order to merge our thinkings into one file, this Trimester has been my favorite from everything we have done as a class, to make a game that has been certainly a class contributed class.

What I learned

Overall during this class I have learned many things. I have learned how to navigate and use Vscode, and Github Pages affectivley. I have learned how to look at a Javascript code and understand to a point where I can tell whats going on. I have learned how Object Oriented Programming is a lot more effective when creating games. I learned how to work with others, and work together rather than independently when creating stuff. Coding wise, I learned how to use console.logs and GameEnv effectivley, to create if statements to write code.

Final thoughts

Overall, Im very glad I took this class. It not only thought me how to code, by aking you understand the code and how the code worked together by making your own changes to it, but the collobaration skills it has thought me in order to collobarate with others in order to create an amazing class game. It has been a really fun time, and I really enjoyed the people I have worked with as well. It has thought me how to be a true engineer, and I really apreciate that.